Sunshine Blogger Award

About a month ago, Rhiannon over at Wales to Wherever nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. It’s an award which is given by bloggers to bloggers who “are positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.” – so mille mercis to Rhiannon for considering my ramblings worthy of this award. Rhiannon’s misadventures across the world have me in fits of giggles, so if you’re in need of a giggle-fix I urge you to go and check out some of her posts!

Credit: Wales to Wherever

Rules of the Sunshine Blogger Award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the eleven questions set by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate eleven other blogs and give them eleven questions to answer.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.

My answers to Rhiannon’s questions:

  1. Where are you right now? Be as specific or as vague as you like.

I’m currently residing in sun-soaked Lyon, munching my way through a plethora of pastries in between trying to see all of the city’s famous fresques. That aside, the main purpose of my séjour here is to teach all the weird and wonderful quirks of the English language to students at Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3.

  1. When was your first trip abroad and where did you go?

My childhood memories are all rather jumbled, but I’m 99% sure it would have been either Jersey (if the Channel Islands can really count as “abroad”) or France. I remember long drives to Portsmouth followed by ferry journeys across the Channel plagued by seasickness; building dens with my sister out of the sofas in Novotels and collecting a hoard of their Dolfi figurines which I still own today; endless rides on a carousel somewhere in southern France, courtesy of me being the biggest child on the ride and therefore able to grab the dangling toy which entitled the rider and their chum to another free ride; the châteaux of the Loire Valley; a trip to Disneyland Paris where my sister lost her bear on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. I can’t, however, remember the order this all happened in!

  1. Scones – cream then jam or jam then cream?

Jam then cream, otherwise known as the right way to consume a scone. Preferably raspberry jam and topped with lashings of clotted cream. Whipped cream is, as far as I’m concerned, for hot chocolate.

  1. Why did you start blogging and how old were you at the time?

My first foray into the blogosphere was to document my year abroad in Colmar, Alsace, which I spent as a language assistant. I was 20, and sought great amusement from writing my blog entirely in Franglais. This blog came about because I missed blogging, and wanted a corner of the internet to devote to my travel ramblings, general musings and recipes.

  1. What has been the happiest moment of your life so far?

This is a tough one to pinpoint. I was over the moon when I was offered the position here in Lyon, as the interview was conducted almost entirely in French and it was my first (and to date, only) interview. Equally, I was pretty chuffed when I received my degree classification and graduated in July.

  1. What is your favourite part about blogging?

Reading about others’ adventures and subsequently garnering a never-ending list of travel tips, recipe ideas and other nonsensical things. There’s also something to be said for that little buzz of satisfaction when someone reads what you’ve written and takes the time to comment.

  1. If you could go back 5 years, what advice would you give yourself?

Lay off the straighteners. I think I got my comeuppance with that one though, when I burnt a chunk of my hair off with them and destroyed the straighteners in the process. I’ve barely touched straighteners since.

  1. Where is the one place in the world you would nevergo? Mine would be Merthyr. You won’t have heard of it but do yourself a favour and don’t Google it: the statistics will give you nightmares.

I’d like to think I’d never say never, but clubbing destinations like Magaluf just don’t interest me at all. Typing that makes me feel old, but as a virtually tee-total amateur grown up the foreign clubbing scene just isn’t for me.

  1. If you were an animal, what would you be?

I’m pretty happy being a human, but if pressed I think I’d choose to be a leopard. They’re fairly high up the food chain, and since they can climb trees I’d be sure of a nice panoramic view of the Serengeti.

  1. What is the one thing (not person!) you can’t live without?

My treasured Winnie the Pooh watch, which I’ve had for over a decade. Whilst I do own (and wear) other watches, when I misplace this one it feels like a part of me is missing.

  1. If you could be the leader of any country, which would it be and why?

Since most political leaders end up hated by their electorate, it’s not really my scene – but if I had to pick, it’d be France. Someone needs to sort out the technophobia-induced chaotic sense of organisation over here. Not to mention saving their language from themselves, because there’s no way I’ll be using ognon instead of oignon.

My nominees:

  • Rebecca Goes Rendezvous: full of handy tips for avoiding bureaucratic meltdowns and living la vie française to the full. I’m also a huge fan of her French blog.
  • Adventures of an Optimist: the place to go for hilarious “one-way banter” (as the author puts it), travel tales and misadventures from around the world.
  • From Dream to Plan: this globetrotting Italian has you covered for travel tips, allergy-friendly recipes and DIY presents.
  • Handstands Around the World: if you fancy marvelling at postcard-perfect landscapes and taking a tour of America’s national parks from the comfort of your sofa, look no further than Diana’s site.
  • Je Suis Pas Cool: a fellow Francophile who features everything from photo challenges and year abroad tips to insider city guides and cultural calamities.
  • Student in Snowdonia: for hikes across Snowdonia and adventures beyond Blighty, Callum’s blog blends history with mesmerising landscapes.
  • Emily Goes Forth: a gold mine of travel tips and stories across dozens of countries and several continents.
  • Tess Takes on Canada: documenting the ups and downs of a year abroad across the pond in Ottawa, Canada.
  • The Connorsseur: puns galore and witty comments on travel, food, culture and more.
  • The Unturned Page: thought-provoking posts on topical issues alongside travel features, all accompanied by gorgeous illustrations which make me want to bring my 6B pencils out of hibernation.
  • So Journey With Me: travel tales from a backpacking enthusiast and language lover.

Your mission, should you choose to accept:

  1. Wilderness or civilisation?
  2. What was your favourite childhood game?
  3. If you were offered a free flight to a place of your choosing, where would you go?
  4. What is your favourite thing to bake/cook?
  5. Bourbons or custard creams?
  6. Can you speak any foreign languages? If so, which?
  7. Guidebooks: yay or nay?
  8. What advice would you give to new bloggers?
  9. Do you have a favourite musical?
  10. What is your favourite word?
  11. Share your ultimate travel tip.

To each of my nominees: thank you for writing content which gives me Cheshire Cat-esque grins . . . and over to you – should you choose to partake, I look forward to reading your posts!

13 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. I’m not even British, but I think it makes much more sense to put jam then cream on scones; cream isn’t “stable” enough to support the jam, in my opinion! Thanks for the nomination, and I’ll get to it soon. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It just seems far more logical to put jam on, then cream – surely if you put the cream on first it would just make a huge mess! My pleasure – and no rush (French internet struggles are real!) Look forward to reading your post!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jam then cream?! Noooo!! Other than finding out you’re on the wrong side of the scone debate, I really enjoyed reading your answers 🙂 And am also loving the new look you’ve got going on here.

    Liked by 1 person

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